Visualise staff allocations
Staff can be allocated and allocations can be locked to ensure that clients are not disappointed with rearranged dates or team members. Visualising your allocations on Glide Scheduler ensures that any possible idle time can be quickly identified and put to use to ensure that utilisation is maximised.
Drag and drop interface with lock down and audit trail
The simple drag and drop interface allows for quick staff allocations to be made and adjusted. Multi user access allows users to collaborate quickly and easily without the issues caused when trying to access a spreadsheet. Resource bookings can either be provisional or locked down. Once locked down only the user the locked the booking can unlock it. A full audit trail of changes to the allocations and status is stored.

Multiple views
View the planner on an annual, monthly, weekly or daily basis. Add your personal calendar as a widget to your dashboard. Users can be quickly booked on a job for an entire week or specific meetings can be booked into specific time slots on a particular day.