What our clients say (click to read)
Our biggest issue was that we had too many individual control sheets to try and help us manage specific actions and deadlines along with the fact that our existing work control and billing system was very antiquated and was soon going to cease working for us.
We needed a system that would work alongside other key software so information could be shared electronically and reduce the need for so much manual input.
The specific glide features that benefit us the most are the process workflows. This has helped us develop key procedures to ensure that we are fulfilling all our obligations not just for our clients but also our legal obligations set by our regulator.
Glide allows us be more proactive in terms of keeping on top of the work in progress. We have been able to combine various reminders and control sheets into one place and we can clearly see our deadlines and actions too together on the dashboards.
The result is that we are now able to clearly see what’s being worked on, what coming up and what’s left to be done. We are able to report on the allocation of work and trace where it is in the office. We have been able to pass certain processes to our admin function so our client facing staff have more time to work with and for our clients. We also have a great deal of new opportunities for time saving and process improvement that were not available to us previously.
We are excited about how we will continue to develop our use of Glide and make further improvements to benefit our team and clients.

We struggled for many years trying to find something in the marketplace which was affordable but allowed us the flexibility of creating our own workflows without having to have a PHD in computer programming!
We found one or two products out there which were not too bad, but the interfaces were clunky and we were concerned about take-up from staff.
Having seen a demonstration of Glide at one of our Accelerate group meetings, we asked for a detailed demonstration immediately.
Three things impressed us about Glide:
- The responsiveness of Ben and his team. Even now, some 3 years later, if we ask Ben for a change/enhancement and he says it’s doable, it’s normally a matter of days not months!
- The simple interface which meant our staff required little or no training and were able to use it in the office, on their laptops or on their mobile phones.
- The flexibility and interface to create our workflows. It did take us a few days to master, but once we had been trained, we were able to create some fairly sophisticated workflows in a day or two.
As a partner, I particularly like the ability to be able to see the workflows for my entire client base and the firm. I receive reminders and warnings when deadlines are approaching and can check on the status of any job in progress in a matter of seconds (even when out of the office).
Glide has now allowed us to remove a lot of old fashioned systems and automate a great deal of our workflow management and create a relatively smooth billing process which ensures we bill both appropriately and promptly, when work has been completed.
A bonus was their flexibility in integrating/using much of the information from our CCH Practice Management software and with some expert help from our in-house SQL expert, we are now able to pull over up-to-date WIP and team information for all jobs, so staff can keep an eye on costs when performing work.

Before Glide we used spreadsheets to control everything. Deadlines sometimes were missed. The auto generation of jobs in Glide has eliminated that.
The workflows are highly configurable and that allows us to evolve them as necessary although the straight from the box solution is excellent.
We love being able to see exactly where each job is in the process and I can see in an instant what jobs are awaiting my review. We are looking forward to using turn around time monitoring to improve client service.
As the practice has grown Glide has grown with us. The widgets are great. I particularly like the top 10 outstanding WIP widget which I use to spot overrun problems and the client year ends widget which shows the pressure points in the year.
Ben is always helpful and responsive to any suggestions.

As many practices do we had a reliance on spreadsheets to manage deadlines. With the vast array of deadlines both in the UK and Ireland we needed a package that could grow with us. Glide provided that solution and moving data across was seamless with the import functionality.
The feature that has benefited us most of all is the ability to configure our own workflows, all clients have different needs but the workflow helps us to standardise and processes are clear to all staff. The ability to tailor dashboards for all offices and department also allows us to avoid clutter and allow the staff to focus on their specific areas.
The use of Glide has meant we are spending less time focusing on deadlines and more time focusing on completing the work as well as growing the practice. It's safe to say the cost of Glide has been well and truly recouped with the time savings we have had.

We’ve been using Glide since 2015 and are extremely happy with the product.
Our accounting practice is not a standard one as we deal with VAT returns in 23 different countries, so a large number of different reporting deadlines and VAT return frequencies.
We were looking for a flexible programme that allowed us to deal with our various needs and also provide excellent visibility so that deadlines weren’t missed.
Glide really ticked every box for us and continues to do so.
We were able to create bespoke workflows for each country and bespoke workflows for particular customer needs. As the business owner, I always feel in control over the processes with my Dashboard and my team, who use different Dashboards, always know what’s required of them.
The automated Email alerts were also useful for our customers, so that they were kept informed of what data we required for the month.
An added bonus was that the user support from the Glide team is truly excellent. They are very responsive and we were able to fix any glitches which cropped up quickly.
I highly recommend this product.

We implemented Glide to bring efficiencies to our workflow management, time recording and billing processes and to be able to integrate with other systems.
Since starting to use Glide, we have seen many improvements already and are yet to utilise its full functionality.
A major benefit we have gained is time savings in not having to duplicate data input into different systems and in undertaking our monthly billing cycle.
The ongoing support provided by the Glide team is excellent in dealing with queries and assisting us to implement more features of the programme, which in turn is contributing to the development and expansion of the practice.

One thing I can say that I love about your company is the customer service you provide, it really is impeccable, so thank you very much.

I wanted a cloud based tool to track my deadlines, Glide provided that and a lot more. I was surprised at just how precisely Glide can cater for the processes and targets I follow and also the ease with which they can be set up by Glide in the cloud.

Once you understand that jobs create themselves, you realise you can just focus on something else. I have accounts jobs creating a month before year end so I can ensure I call at the right moment. I check my dashboard each day, nothing can creep through.

As part of our evolution towards an automated and paperless office environment, the implementation of Glide has replaced both our paper based system of job control sheets and our Excel based job management approach.

Glide has helped the practice to work intelligently and efficiently. The system ensures work is completed in a logical and client friendly manner, audit and tax department workflow is linked and the traffic light system ensures no jobs are overlooked.

We have always understood that increased efficiencies in our business have come from the correct selection of software and hardware to augment our systems.
In recent years, the advent of cloud has made an amazing amount of technology available to all business owners. As more solutions have become available, we have gradually replaced our desktop systems with cloud software that has provided more functionality than the software being replaced.
Practice management has always been an area where we have struggled to find a good solution. For a lot of years, we used a basic T-card system and over time replicated this on Trello. Although this was an improvement, it didn’t give us very much in the way of functionality.
In recent years, we reviewed various options to replace Trello. None of these ticked enough of our boxes to prompt us to make a purchase until we came across Glide.
What initially struck us about Glide compared to the other software we looked at was the ability to create completely bespoke workflows.
These workflows can cope with all the specific nuances of our systems. We liked that fact that we didn’t have to change our systems to fit a piece of software but tailored the software to fit our existing systems.
We initially set these workflows to mirror the Trello system. However, after using Glide for a short time, we started to see the benefits from email alerts, setting target dates for different stages of a job, integration with Zapier, use of webhooks and more.
We now have a practice management solution that does way more than we expected of it on day one. We have totally visibility of what stage a job is, whether it’s started or still to come in. Glide handles communications for completion of jobs, notification of liabilities, chasing for jobs to come in, missing information etc. The whole team are fully engaged with the system and Glide is now the core of our business.
The ongoing support and assistance with setup have been first rate since day one.