This week saw the arrival of Glide Job Boards, now by far the simplest way to visualise the jobs being held by numerous team members on a single screen.
Many of our users had requested a team-centric view of the jobs flowing through the office and the job boards are the answer.
For practices with < 14 users you can simply see the entire team on one screen, above this you should create teams and the job board focuses on a team.
This v1.0 is simply showing the user initials with the date of their last log in and the number of jobs they are holding. There is then a card listed below the user for each incomplete job (sub-job if you have multi sub-system workflows setup) where that user is the current job holder. The cards provide the following information on the job:
- The client name and client code.
- The workflow system name.
- The job date.
- The current stage.
- The next incomplete deadline.
- The next target date.
We were keen to release v1.0 as early as we could and some important features are still in development (filters, card dragging etc), please do let us know if you have any suggestions for this exciting new area of the system, either in the comments below or on our suggestions board.
If we can help do fire up a chat via the blue widget (bottom right corner), contact us or call the office on the numbers below.

If you do not yet use Glide why not book in a personal demo, we’d love to help you understand what the system can do.