We are pleased to announce the release of our new report writer tool.
The original Glide system was laser focused on workflow, ensuring client work was done on time (before target / deadline etc). Reporting for this objective is very well served by the dashboard widgets, backed up by the ‘jobs reports’ which auto-filter when you click through from a widget.
This remains of upmost importance to basically all Glide users but many of you needed more complex reports. As the systems functionality has expanded, firms have held more and more data in Glide and set up more and more workflows, this created the need for more reporting which broadly fell into 2 categories:
- Client data reports, i.e. show me all clients added this year that use Xero and pay by DD, where the manager is Mr X.
- More complex job reports than the existing spreadsheet style page delivered.
The new report writers should provide the necessary functionality for both camps….
Client data reports:
You can add custom fields to Glide, for example to note a clients Accounting system provider, date of birth or even favourite chocolate but up until now the ability to report on this was limited. Now for purely client based reports head to the Organsation menu (will be headed up with your company name) and click on the second option down ‘Client database query engine’.
Here you can report on and filter by pretty much all client data (we’re still adding system active and route allocations, will be in V2).
Job reports:
For reports that include (or filter by) both client and job data head to the workflows menu and towards the bottom you’ll see ‘Jobs database query engine’.
Here you can report on and filter by the vast majority of jobs data (+ all of the client data included above). For example you can report on jobs in a certain range of stages, include dates for actual stages, perhaps filter by clients that like Panamanian chocolate etc. The possibilities are a significant increase on the existing jobs report.
For detailed guidance on how to use the report writers, please refer to this new article in the knowledge base.
We’ll keep you updated on progress via the blog.